Monday, September 14, 2015

Cultural shock

I did not know that I would have cultural shock from a place I call home but there were a few.
The genuine friendliness of people, on several occasions while me and Ma B were going out, they would be someone who pulled to offer us a ride. I told her about how in the States, it is highly discouraged to get in a stranger’s car, and she said something like I am Ghanaian, he is Ghanaian, he’s not a stranger; he’s family. Of course, there are bad people everywhere, but there seems to be a genuine recognition of strangers as humans in Ghana not someone with devious intentions who may hurt me.
Going back to Assin Fosu, where I lived before heading to the States, people were living in extreme poverty, seeing little kids carrying buckets of water twice their size. Everything just looked so small compared to how I remembered it.

The straightforwardness of people was soo refreshening, people say what they are thinking without sugar coding. 

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