Monday, September 14, 2015

Goodbye with a poem

Ghana (ma baa bumom, I have come again) 
Akwaaba, the warm wind whispers to me as I step off the plane 
voices composedof that familiaily, ancestral tongue of twi 
I have come hoe to findi t waiting changed and unrecogniable at times,  
yet still home 
still grasping at my heart 
hugging my head with tiny recalling of memories triggered from random acts, spontaneous smell and welcoming wanderers my spirit has forgotten 
faces forgetten  
memories mesmerized to the backdrop in my brain 
I feared, I will forget you grandmother, but now I know that could never occur 
I feared, I would not recognize you father, but now I know amidst a sea of strangers, your face is in mine and shall never fade 
land where my blood was made spilled and blessed 
I feared you would regret me, would not recognize the new, fresh skin, the filled in meat on my bones. the ages featrues, the americanized tongue 
but I promised I will come back, so ma baa bumom( I have come back)  

the brightest black star of Africa 
Maama Yaa Feniba 
Kwame Nkrumah 

in all this, I came back.  
I felt your love tugging at my being, 11 years had been too  
our secret sorrows were turning distant and objective 
our helpless hope fleeting without resistance 
our tongues slowly detangling  

To you I have retruned, from you I shall leave once again with the lesson, always SANKOFA.  Though I may go from coast to coast, The Gold Coast, whose riches will forever bless me 
whose ocean will forever purify me whose land will forever ground me 
me da see (Thank you always) 

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